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Team with various strengths.

Towards the end of this term, we were struggling to think or come up with an item for our Teachers end of year review. After many discussion during our Friday meeting and simply this idea was pushed around a few times, I just thought to just volunteer my name without any clue whatsoever what I…

The right approach

I use this statement in the contrary of having options when teaching my students. In class we tend to have a variety of student of whom I would like to mention have unique ways of learning. So in this manner I have to be creative to consider the needs of these students and at the…

A Ray of Sunshine

Amongst the heavy downpour on Saturday around our area. Joape my second child was calling out to me, Nana(Mum) do you hear that. My mind was still stressed from weighing and contemplating decision made resulting in our current stage for isolation. When he kept insisting to go and check out what that noise was. To…

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